Nike Dunk Low Union LA Passport Pack Court Purple is a pair of typical replica shoes, that narrates the story of the glorious past. Except for design, they are pretty much the same as the Nike Dunk High CO 1999. JP City Pack. Its covers are designed to be peeled off and the set’s first color is the Court purple and white smooth leather. At the back is written Union LA Frontman, the label that released them, while on the sides are ‘UN|LA’ tabs.
Specification Details
Model No DJ9649-500
Release Date 2022-03-30
Series Dunk
Alias Package of passport – Court purple
Style Trendy, Street Style
Season Spring/Summer/Autumn
Upper Material Fabric
Closure Lacing
Sole Material Rubber Sole
Toe Type Round Toe
Heel Type Flat heel
ColorWay Grey/Purple/Yellow
These shoes were launched in April 2022, and the cost of each pair is $139; thus, they make a fabulous addition to your collection of replica footwear since they are classics but feature modern touches in their design.