Today, we received a detailed look and breakdown of yet another Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Team Red Replica Sneakers. If you’ve been enjoying the Air Jordan 1 High OG Reps Shoes model, then you should appreciate these as well. It’s not a premium take or anything like that, but it’s very much in line with the rest of them. So, if you’ve liked the previous ones, then you’ll probably like these. The only difference obviously is the colorway. There are some material variances, but again, we’ve discussed this previously in different articles, specifically more recently in the Georgia Preach 3s, regarding how the polyurethane coat really changes the feel of the materials and such. So yeah, it’s nothing to really freak out about. It’s just like which coat feels better with stuff like this. They’ve got to do heavier coats. It’s like painting a wall; you’re not going to just paint it once, no, multiple coats.
Details and Accessories
But anyway, real quick, they come with two sets of laces. So, they come with the standard white ones, and then inside the box, there’s also this team red version. I’m not going to call them “artisanal red”; it’s stupid. You’re making me hungry. And on top of that, the insole is this piece of, right here. It is not Dream Cell. In fact, it’s fake Dream Cell. This brand is cutting corners faster than an artisanal chef or something. I don’t know, but yeah, it’s pretty crazy at this point, especially for the money that they’re charging for these things. But it is what it is.
Original Jordan | Replica Jordan | |
Name | Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Team Red | Reps Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Team Red |
SKU | DZ5485-160 | DZ5485-160 |
Retail Price | $180 | $125 |
Release Date | 25/05/2024 | 25/05/2025 |
Sizes Available | Both for men and women | Both for men and women |
Design and Colorway of this Reps Shoes
As for the Reps Shoe itself, they feature the greatest traction of all time. Sitting on top of that is a rubber cup sole, sitting inside of that is a polyurethane wedge, sitting inside of that is an encapsulated Air-Sole unit, and then again, the sole’s on top of all of that, the icing on the cake, the fondant if you will. The colorway itself looks like something that could have and maybe should have, been released way back in the ’80s and mid-’90s when things were first retro. Because I don’t know about you, but this, at least in the Bay Area, was like everybody’s middle school and high school color, right?
Personal Reflections
Not mine, oh, my middle school was this burgundy stuff, and then my high school was the same thing, and then I moved to a different high school, same thing, and I was like, bro, I got the same shorts forever. Almost all of my schools were blue and yellow, except for junior high, and then it was purple and yellow. Man, you’re lucky, dude. I got stuck with this, and like, I was so sick of my room by the time I graduated that like, this could have been cool, but now it’s like, Nah.
Material Quality and Comfort
And again, the materials are kind of the same as most of these recent Air Jordan 1s. The material that is the burgundy or team red color is slightly softer. They dye that leather and then they spray coat it so it helps everything become more vibrant and all of that stuff. So it’s not like a super high-quality Reps Shoe. It’s not a premium release, none of them are unless they’re literally labeled as premium and even then take that with a grain of salt. The back collar, though, is soft, so I do like that. The collar padding and things like that are nice. It’s a good Reps shoe to wear.

Conclusion and Buying Information
At this point, they’re great beaters if you like spending 180 bucks on some beater Reps shoes. So yeah, nylon tongues, Nike Air branding at the top, again, very standard stuff. It all looks good, it all feels good. Craftsmanship is going to vary between pairs, so make sure to check your pairs if possible. I don’t see these things moving in stores, but at this point, I’m not the best person to ask for that, so I could be dead wrong. As far as sizing is concerned, I would go true to size, whatever you typically wear with Air Jordan 1s, that’s what I would go with.
Availability and Store Information
You can find these items online at and . These platforms offer high-quality replica shoes from renowned brands at affordable prices.