Nike LD Waffle SF Sacai Fragment Blue Void is a perfect replica shoe for those who love fashionable and quality replica sneakers which are also known as reps shoes. Nike LD Waffle SF Sacai Fragment Blue Void; Fragment design and sacai are design brands that are famous for their experimental minimalism design and sophistication. This fusion of creative approach and aesthetics of sacai and the clear, concise design of Fragment makes this pair of shoes rather unique.
The Nike LD Waffle SF Sacai Fragment Blue Void is designed in a way that comes with air mesh upper, leather, and suede. The above combination not only increases a shoe’s aesthetic value but also makes the shoe comfortable and long-lasting among replica sneakers.
For this price, one can never go wrong with these replica sneakers since they provide great value and aesthetic appeal for fashion-conscious people. This Nike LD Waffle SF Sacai fragment blue void is the best choice for those who want to level up their replica sneakers. Here’s your chance to grab your favorite rep shoes without having to go through the usual rigmarole.
Attribute Value
Model No DH2684-400
Release Date 2021-08-26
Series Sacai
Nickname Blackened Blue
Style Sports, Retro, Trendy
Season All Season
Closure Lacing
Sole Material Rubber Sole
Toe Type Round Toe
Heel Type Thick Bottom
ColorWay Blue Void/Obsidian/White
It is a type of the Sacai series which represents the fusion of sports and retro references with a modern spin and the model’s number is DH2684-400 with its nickname as ‘Blackened Blue’. Launched on the 26th of August in 2021, this replica sneaker is unisex and can be worn regardless of the season. On the closure system, they use traditional lacing to make sure that the shoe will fit perfectly.
The features of the replica shoe consist of a rubber sole, which forms the base and is of high quality; this offers enough grip and cushioning to be worn all day long. The design of a round toe cap and a relatively thick bottom heel can be made as an ornament and receive stabilizing components. The choice of Blue Void, Obsidian, and White colors creates a sophisticated and non-conventional design that will catch the eyes of sneakerheads and fashion-savvy people.

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