Get ready to be a part of history with the Air Jordan 1 Mid Pine Green Replica Sneakers! The last time this shoe was in pine green, it was a big deal. Now, you can own a piece of that history. These Reps Shoes have a white top with green touches, a black Nike “Swoosh,” a white middle part, and a green bottom. They came out in December 2018 and you could buy them for $119 at
You can find replica sneakers like the Air Jordan 1 Mid Pine Green Replica Sneakers, and many more on They offer a wide selection of high-quality replica shoes for sneaker enthusiasts. Be sure to check out their website for exclusive pre-sales and top-notch customer service.
Whether you’re in search of Jordan Reps , Nike Reps , Balenciaga Reps or Latest Reps Shoes for sale, we’ve got you covered.