The shoe in the discussion here is the Air Jordan 1 Mid Edge Glow (GS) Replica Sneakers which is a new-age, brightly colored Replica Sneakers that pays homage to the Air Jordan 1 but is designed for grade schoolers only. These Replica Sneakers add youthful energy to the classical design, which is why they can be recommended to young fans of Replica Sneakers clothes who want to be unique.
The shoes infuse the Air Jordan 1 Mid Edge Glow (GS) Replica Sneakers concept from Michael Jordan’s first Reps shoe, but give it a twist of innovation. The most obvious element would be this color scheme, in which primary colors and their energetic combinations create a warm and cheerful atmosphere. The choice of colors is bright and enthusiastic thus depicting the energetic character of the kids that these Replica Sneakers are intended to clothe.
In addition to the style quotient, it is a Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Edge Glow (GS) Replica Sneakers that also focuses on its comfort factor. The collar cushions, the cushioned sole, and the entire structure of the Rep’s shoe are made considerate of young feet so that they can be worn all day. That is why we can see that during the construction, only strong and rather high-quality materials were used that will help to endure such Replica Sneakers for children and retain their bright and attractive appearance.
To sum up, the Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Edge Glow (GS) Replica Sneakers are rich in real Jordan Replica Sneakers elements and have adopted today’s trends, which must be good news for grade schoolers who want to own attractive and comfortable Reps shoes. No matter if you wear them to school, or during playtime, these Replica Sneakers will draw attention and add some color to your outfit.
Specification Details
Style CV4611-100
Release Date 07/04/2020
Upper Material White Leather
Accent Colors Hyper Crimson, Pink Blast, Neon Green
Swoosh Leather, Hyper Crimson with Pink Line
Collar Detailing “Win(GS)” in White
Midsole Color White
Outsole Color Pink
Youth Sizing Available
Brand & Model Air Jordan 1 Mid Edge Glow

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